
⏣ Dan 'adnnnnj' GEFFROY

Software Engineer in Nantes / France


For the past 6 years, I have developed many types of front-ends from educational platforms to insurance websites.

I Specialize in front-end development, but I also have experience with back-end development, DevOps and cloud infrastructure.

I am skilled in leading software projects and have the ability to manage, mentor, and hire software engineers.

Work experience

Side projects

I use side project to keep up with techology constantly evolving, righ now i use Astro and Svelt to build this website

Nantes, France


Lead dev for Malakoff Humanis insurance

Developping client website and apps, mostly in Angular / React

Nantes, France


Lead dev for credit agricole insurance

Developping client website and apps, mostly in Angular

Nantes, France


Working for Groupama insurance

Developping microservices, mostly in JAVA

Nantes, France


Working for HSBC Holdings

Developping migration batch file, mostly in SQL

Nantes, France

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